
By Team Antargyan/Feb 1,2021

What is Virtual Live Teaching?

The concept of virtual teaching came into life with the invention of digitization but people accepted it whole-heartedly in 2020 with the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. The physical campuses are closed and the educational institutions have moved online and that is the new normal. The educators have moved online and are now called as ‘online educators’ as they are imparting education via online live classes, or as you may call it Virtual Live Teaching. As virtual learning instructor, one can arrange live video-based session with the students in virtual class and engage with them with the previously prepared educational material. So in a Virtual classroom students can get a feel of the regular classroom by interacting with the teacher on a real-time basis, they can ask questions and interact with the tutor. RioPlay helps tutors in setting up a Virtual classroom and reach out to large number of students. The online teacher saves up ample of time to prepare lectures for the coming day when associated with Rioplay and the virtual live teaching can be a lot more interactive with the help of creative presentations and infographics. A virtual classroom can be planned with vision and foresight. Unlike the normal classroom lectures, the virtual classes are not restricted to time. The students and teachers can join in together on the same platform and communicate their thoughts and doubts in a virtual conference manner. Rioplay let’s the students and teachers exchange thoughts more creatively and communicate freely with the help of instance assistance. The students do not need to wait until the day prior to the exam to sort their queries as they have the access to the teachers throughout the day. Now that here the white board system is not required, teachers can create valuable lessons from resources available across the internet and present them in a way that will entangle the student’s attention and makes him curious about the subject. Students can ask questions about issues they encounter or learn to use the video platform. Reminders are sent prior to every online lecture to ensure that the students are available on time and do not miss a session. If due to some reason student miss on the live session he can request the tutor for the recording and can cover up the missing part. Video-based interactions feel different than classroom engagement, but the same tenets apply. Remember to start virtual classes by welcoming students, offering a session overview, setting clear expectations, and giving opportunities for student participation.